If you are an Apple fanatic and architecture lover you should pick up this book. CLOG publication is filling a niche that has been created by the hyperspeed of digital media. “In the deluge, excellent projects receive the same fleeting attention as mediocre ones.” CLOG slows things down by exploring a single subject from multiple viewpoints, and “on paper, away from the distractions and imperatives of the screen.” This book offers an in-depth look at the development of Apple’s brand of architecture. Mixed into the in-depth look is an amusing four page collection of one sentence quotes from architects and critics about the new Apple Headquarters. Here are a couple: Eric Owen Moss says, “Internal courtyard could be magic, a new world for adventurous kids only, like going out the back of the CS Lewis/Narnia closet.” Mark Goulthorpe asks, “Sphincter?” Jacob van Rijs says, “I love the garden miss the bite…” and J. Mayer H. laments, “So disappointing…”

010 Zeitgeist is Immortal
012 Steve’s Garage
014 Grounding Modernism in the Myth of Steve Jobs
016 Eichler Idyll
018 Apple Stores Worldwide
020 Location, Location, Location
022 Introducing the Revolutionary New Apple Store
024 Indexing Apple
026 Deviant Facades
028 Unique and Unusual
030 Storefronts
038 An Architecture of Nothing
040 A Case for Second Drafts
041 The S Factor
042 Collision
044 The Architect
046 Two Kinds
048 Storefront Symmetry
050 Patent Pending
052 Patenting Monumentality
054 A Fruit of the Modern
056 The China Syndrome and Apple’s Glass Architecture
058 The Arrested Development of Apple’s Glass Architecture
060 Time for the iWall
061 The Glass Revolution
062 Heroic Ordinariness
064 Duck, Duck, Duck, iPod!
066 Acres of Innovation
068 Apple Campus
074 In One Sentence
078 Free Association
080 Information Technology and the Irrelevance of Architecture
082 Apple de Janeiro
083 The Second Coming?
084 The Circle as Symbol
086 Contemplating the Circle
088 A New Meaning for “Home Office”
090 Scale Comparisons
094 Monumentality Simplicity
096 Back to Ectopia-Apple Design and Futurist Classicism
098 iMausoleum
100 Feedback Loops
102 Closed and Open: The Apple Paradox
104 Apple Bite
106 Reaching for the Past: Apple’s Headquarters as Capitalist Nostalgia
108 Object-Oriented
110 Utopia, Technology, and Architecture
112 Apple Design: Not Science Fiction but Fact
114 Eroticity-Apple’s New Urban Matrix
116 The Anti-Apple
118 ApplE-Waste
120 Zombie Brands, New Blood, or Poisoned Apples
122 Close Encounters in Cupertino 2
124 An Interview with Ronald Wayne
130 Contributors
134 Image Credits
136 Storefront Index
140 Responses re: Apple